Ingest, govern & analyse data from a single platform
Data Pipes creates a shared repository of trusted data, so that anyone in the organisation can start analysing and sharing data with clear indication of data ownership

Your tools & your rules
Data Pipes comes with an extensive list of pre-built data source connectors for on-premises and cloud databases, SaaS applications, documents, NoSQL sources, and more to quickly load data into your cloud data environment.


Comprehensive out-of-the-box integration to get to data value quickly.

Perfectly replicate data in minutes with minimal load on the source systems.

Understand your data with end-to-end data visualization & granular analysis.
Data Catalog
Discover, sort, and organize all your data intelligently

Data Catalog
At the core of Data Pipes is the Data Catalog that provides users with a shared repository of trusted data. Searchable like Google, it allows users to discover and search for existing data, create and edit any metadata from the datasets.

Shared repository of trusted data

Data discoverability

Metadata creation from datasets
The automated Data Lineage helps users understand where the data is coming from and how it is being used, to validate that they are working with the right data.

Automated data lineage

Data validation

Integrated Analysis
Direct integrations with cloud-hosted analytical tools allows users to go directly from the catalog to data analysis, machine learning modelling and sharing them with users across the organization.

Cloud-hosted analytical tools

Transition from data cataloging to machine learning modelling
Data Governance
Gain peace of mind with complete auditability

Access Control
Data Pipes provides a powerful suite of tools to control access to data for all users. Authorized users can create rules that grant users access to data based on their Role & Department, these rules can grant or deny access to specific tables, and individual columns and rows.

Create data access rules to prevent misuse of data

Grant access according to roles & departments

Create rules specific to individual tables, columns
and rows
Classified Data
Individual columns in Data Pipes can be marked as classified, this allows rules to be easily created to deny access for unauthorized users to classified data.

Create data access rules

Protect data from unauthorised users

Data Pipes automatically keeps an audit trail of data access and permission changes by the users in real-time. These audit trails can be easily exported for any audit purposes.

Real-time audit updates

Change log for rule & permission changes

Quick & seamless exports
Data Ingest
Replicates data using state of the art CDC technology

With a no code interface, Data Pipes users can create data ingestion pipelines from a variety of data source connectors such as SQL databases, CSV, IoT and REST API. Data Pipes supports Change Data Capture from RDBMS, which can reduce the bandwidth requirements for replication by a factor of 1000.

Easy to use no code interface

Variety of source connectors

State-of-the-art CDC technology
Data Preparation
Before the data reaches the data lake during ingestion, Data Pipes provides direct integration with cloud hosted data preparation tools for users to clean, normalize and prepare data from an intuitive user interface.

Cloud hosted data preparation tools

Clean, normalize & prepare data for data replication

PII Aware
During Ingestion, Data containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is automatically identified and users can select how data containing PII can be masked, tokenized or tagged.

Automatically tagging of PII data

Mask, tokenised & classify PII data
Make data-driven decisions and build data enabled products

Trust your data
Understand the full context of your data. Know where your data is coming from, how it is being used and who is using them.

Built for collaboration
Quickly go from data discovery to analysis and easily share insights and machine learning models across the organization

Secure by Design
Organize and manage your data to enable access only to the authorized users. Foster accountability in data use and promote data ethics.